
About us
Focusing on women’s rights activism in Zimbabwe.
We are driven by the vision to see women enjoying the benefits of actualizing their full potential in all areas of their lives. Our mission is to transform women’s lives and relevant institutions to achieve gender equality through strengthening resilience, agency and policy influence, knowledge, and information. Based on ZWRCN’s commitment to the rights of all people to live free from poverty, we promote the empowerment of women and girls, and engage with men and boys, to transform unequal power relationships and address gender inequality.
Strategic Pillars
Strategic Pillars we are a part of in the drive to making a difference.
Our Board
Great Leadership steering the ship
Our Team
We have a great team
Upcoming Events
Sharing Stories of inclusion and transformation
Alumni Gala
Join us for the ZWCRN Alumni Gala, a special evening celebrating the incredible journey…
News & Updates
Sharing Stories of inclusion and transformation
2024 in Retrospect
As we step into the new year, the Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network…
Executive Desk
In a special message from our Executive Director, ZWCRN reflects..