Japanese Grant Assistance for Grass Roots Human Security Projects (GGP)

archived    |    07 Aug 22

The Japanese Government offers a financial assistance scheme for small-scaled development projects designed to meet the diverse needs of developing countries. Known as Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGP), this scheme aims to support projects benefiting the people at the grass-roots level and their human security, which are proposed by such bodies as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and local government authorities. The GGP provides non-refundable financial assistance to NGOs, hospitals, primary/secondary schools and other non-profit associations, to help implement their development projects.

Completed Application Form and attached documents as required should be sent to the Embassy by e-mail address to kazuha.okada@hz.mofa.go.jp (Attn: Kazuha OKADA (Consultant for GGP))