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Advocacy note -Key Recommendations for Action by Stakeholders
The Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network commissioned a Rapid Assessment on Gender and Energy in Zimbabwe in March 2017. This study was conducted under the project ‘Advocating for Gender Equity and Social Inclusion in Access and Utilisation of Green and Inclusive Energy in Zimbabwe.’ Key recommendations, emanating from the conclusions on gaps and opportunities that currently exist to enhance women’s universal access to renewable energy, were drawn for different stakeholders. This fact sheet presents a summary of these recommendations.

2019 National Budget Analysis
Efforts to integrate a gender perspective into public budgeting decisions have been going on for almost 20 years. According to various studies, the Australian government introduced the first ‘gender budget’ exercise, which led ultimately to a gender review of all federal, state and territorial government expenditures and some elements of revenue. At the 1995 United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing, governments made a commitment to incorporate a gender perspective into budgetary processes in order to support gender equality. Since then, work by women’s NGOs, other civil society organisations, academics and multilateral organisations has shown that the analysis of government expenditures can be an important tool for addressing gender inequities.

2019 National Budget Analysis
The research report outlines opportunities and challenges that are faced by women in the informal economy. The research report mainly highlights the key issues and documents experiences regarding vulnerable women groups of workers, such as street vendors, cross-border traders as well as women entrepreneurs. The Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network (ZWRCN) has noted with concern the harsh conditions that women in cross boarder trading have had to endure in trying to make their businesses viable. These conditions have seen an increase in women’s rights violations, unsupportive policy environment as well as no freedom to speak out on the challenges that they face in doing their informal businesses.

Gender Analysis of Council Legislative Frameworks (Bulawayo,Zvishavane,Shurugwi & Tongogara)
This research paper is a gender analysis of the local government sector’s legislation, policies and budgets for four(4) Councils (Bulawayo, Zvishavane, Shurugwi Town, Tongogara RDC). These are the for districts in which the Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network (ZWRCN) is currently implementing a project that focuses on gender responsive public service delivery. The local government in Zimbabwe and many other countries is responsible for the delivery of important basic services including water, electricity and sanitation. This makes the local government space an important avenue for civil society’s advocacy work to improve the quality and quantity of service delivery to citizens. The paper seek to unveil the level at which the 4 districts mentioned above are practising gender responsive service delivery by analysing their legislation, policy frameworks as well as their local budgets.